Our profile builder makes
creating resumes easy!
Our free Jobee Profile Builder generates intelligently, auto-populated resumes based off of our easy, user friendly wizard that walks you through the how to’s of building the perfect resume.
No matter what industry you’re in, our ATS optimized software (the online, pass-the-clearance-test checker) will guide you, step-by-step, doing the hard work for you! Our online profiles compile sharp looking resumes that look great with or without a photo!
'Bee' seen by top hiring companies.
Easily build your optimized resume and get in front of major hiring companies today!

See what the buzz is about.
Recruiter Approved Templates
20+ beautifully designed choices
Cover Letter Templates
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Free Expert Tips
Get advice from the best
Easy to use
Dynamic resumes in 15 minutes
Resume Wizard
Step by step guidance
Dynamic Profiles
Profile flow into multiple formats
Easy Build. Quick Download.
Instant Shareability!

Sign up!
It’s easy. Click here
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It’s quick! Just fill in your info.
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Go viral with your own Profile URL
Frequently asked questions.
And important keys to success.
How is Jobee creating a buzz in the resume creator industry?
- Our cleverly designed “builder” walks you step-by-step through creating a dynamic profile
- Skills, work history, education, certifications and awards are beautifully displayed
- Choose from a selection of professional, modern, creative, simple, and executive templates
- Download, print and dynamically share your resume in minutes
What we offer for free?
- Free resume builder
- Free cover letter downloads
- Free online resume URL
What services can I use after I become a Premium Jobee Member?
- Unlimited resume downloads
- Unlimited cover letter templates
- Online resume URL